Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Mom's make the best playgrounds.

I know I do this often. I don't have a post for nearly a month, and then wa-bam! Ten posts in a day. I'm kind of a random person. Or lazy. You decide. I'm making another post because recently I've got a ton of cute pics, plus ones I forgot and left out on the other post. Also! I realized ( a month late) I forgot to blog about Ben and Max's birthday party! Which I have to do because it was just too cute, so keep an eye out for that, or don't. I need to mention, I'm pretty bad at editing these because usually I'm scrabbling to write these before a baby wakes up/ before I loose my train of thought. I'll re-read them after I've posted and often I find awful grammar mistakes, so sorry in advance, but you know how it goes!

So we bought this last fall and have already set it up and used it several times. Hendrix has a blast, obviously my child for husband does, too!

Hendrix taking his turn. He could play on this all day if we let him (some days we do!)

Maxie bear! I call Maxton Maxie all the time. Aaron says he hates it, but I hear him say it all the time, too. Usually he'll call him Maxie bear. 

Mom's are always the best playground. Yeah, that's my head they're laying on.

Seriously, you can't relax in this house without getting attacked.

The boys were playing with my hair. Hendrix will sometimes brush my hair. Lately Bennett wants to, too. Usually it ends up more tangled then before, but I like that they have fun with it. Max just pulls it or pushes it out of my face.

Sleepy cuddles from Maxton. I've mentioned it plenty, but Max is my wild and independent one. Recently Aaron and I decided we were going to 'force' him to be more cuddly. And by that I mean hold him more then just when he asks, sit him on our lap when he looks like he's slowing down. Rock him to sleep even though he doesn't need to be. Things of that nature. I really feel like it has already improved his disposition. He is such a fun little boy, but he can have a serious temper. I think this has made him chill out a bit. Don't worry, he still has plenty of spunk!! 

Never wake a sleeping beast.

Watermelon days! Hendrix was so excited for Aaron to bring one home. My boys are some serious fruit eaters. Bennett's loving it!

I had just put on a clean shirt after the boys dirtying my previous one. After Ben shared watermelon with me I had to change again.

Sleepy eyes, he feel asleep shortly after this.

Henri has already been opposed to watermelon with seeds (we usually buy the seedless), but today we taught him how fun it could be to spit the seeds out! Finally...we can buy the cheap ones again :) 

I love this beautiful weather

Maxton is all about sharing his food. Most of the time covered in slobber.

Bennett has one less tooth than Maxton. That's saying something considering he didn't get one until 4.5 months after Max did.

Sharing with dad.

How you're so funny! (Yes, he is giggling/screaming. It's a happy scream though.)

Whenever someone leaves they will chase them to the door trying to escape outside. Since the weather has been so nice we've practically lived out there. We have a smaller pool with a slide that they play in regularly (which I would say is why they are stripped down to their diapers, but we all know this is the norm for the Nelson household. Dang hippie babies.) But you would think they'd never been outside before with how desperate they are to get out. Little explorers. I'm actually dreaming of the day when they can be distracted by the t.v. but alas, it doesn't seem to ever catch their attention, unless I'm singing along with the show, then they'll glance at it to see why mom is stupidly singing at a noisy box. 

May Favorites

Well, ello there! *In the best British accent I can muster up, which is terrible by the way* It's been a while. McPherson May Day Parade, Mother's Day, and a lot of outdoor activities pretty much sums up our May.
I love the month of May. It has always been my favorite. May and September. The boy's due date was in may (40 weeks), of course I didn't make it to May (almost!), my mom's bday is in May, aaaand Aaron and I's anniversary of togetherness is May 13th. Yes May 13, 2003 is when we started 'dating'. Can you even call it dating if you're only 14? Anyways, I'll post some pics of all that fun, but first a little bit about these loves of mine.
Bennett is still not walking. All though he tries, a lot. He just isn't very sturdy on his feet, but he manages a few steps before he falls. Walking to the ottoman to the t.v. stand, or letting go of a surface to reach me. Any day now he will get it! It's funny though, because he desperately wants to. Sometimes he'll grab on to Max and try to catch a ride on him, knocking both of them to the floor every time. We play outside a lot, and Ben hates the feel of concrete on his knees, so he walks on his hands and feet. Like a bear crawl....we call he Mowgli<---Disney reference. Even though he doesn't walk, he is still a huge climber. This kid does, and will, get into everything. He can climb onto any chair or table, or couch. And when he does, he just sits on it, waiting to catch your eye so he can smile and show you how proud he is of himself. He sits on the chair like a King. King Panda Bear Bennett. That's what he is. Other than 'mama' and 'dada', the only word he says is 'NO NO', which he says often, usually in a sassy sort of way. As if he is mocking you. Sometimes he says it when he expects you'll say it.....like when you find him on the kitchen table munching on a nectarine he stole from the fruit bowl. He 'sings' a lot. Often when he's crawling around the house he sort of hums a tune. Super sweet.
Maxton on the other hand, walks like a champ. Why shouldn't he? He's been doing it a while now. Show off :) He loves to chase Hendrix around the house, or be chased. I can really tell who's doing the chasing as they run in a circle and usually just pass each other. Maxton has been exploring his vocabulary more than Bennett has. He says 'mama' 'dada', but also 'ball' and 'dank do' (thank you.) He is also more apt to mimic us. If we are playing with action figures, he will sometimes copy the noises we make, like a 'swoosh' or a 'da na na na'. He even mimics animals, like attempt to make the sound he heard come from the geese at the zoo. He is still very much more independent from his other brothers. Usually only wanting to be held if he wants to see whats going on. Although, he is often very shy when we first get around a big group of people, but he warms up fast and is friendly to everyone. He can be such a flirt.  
Hendrix is still as sweet as ever. He is greatest little friend. I really enjoy hanging around him. He is so much fun and always makes Aaron and I laugh. For instance; the other say Aaron and I were starting to get in an argument. I don't remember what is was about, but it was about something stupid, like putting a dish away in the wrong place. Hendrix pops his head around the corner and chants 'Fight! Fight! Fight!' as if we are in an arena ready to box. He had a smile on his face the whole time, as if his whole goal was to lighten the mood. Of course it worked, he's hilarious. Then another night we were lying in his room watching a movie and he started squishing my belly. He's pinching my skin and says 'Mom, I wish you'd get a fat belly again so we can get another baby.' (He brought this up again tonight, btw.) I told him it wasn't going to happen for a very long time, if ever, and asked him why he wanted another one. He says, 'I just want a lot of babies because I love them so much!' And he really does. I don't know where he gets his patience with them but it's awesome! He is so proud to be their big brother.
Heading to the parade. Whenever we move from Mac, I will miss this. Not even because I like the parade (let's be honest, I get pretty bored) but because there is something so nostalgic about it. Having grown up with my bedroom window right on Main Street, I can remember being woken up every year by the sounds of drums and bag pipes from the practicing bands. 

Bennett watching his Uncle David work. He is definitely an observer. 

Matching jimmy-jams!

Parade time!

This was my Mother's Day present, along with flowers, a date, and my favorite DKNY perfume. It's difficult to see, but it is a hand crafted tree stump with a heart around my children's initials curved into it. If you've ever read The Giving Tree, the artist designed it in spirit of that book by Shel Silverstein. If you haven't read it, you should. One of the best poems ever written, and it's one of Hendrix's favorite books to read. "And she loved a little boy."

Seriously, he gets into everything.

We recently bought a bike trailer. We absolutely love it. So do those boys. Max always has a rough time getting in, he is the same way with car seats. He just hates to be strapped down.

Henri, ready to ride!

A quick trip to DQ and a short ride around town and the boys were out!

Aaron is pleased the babes are asleep.

Bennett doing Bennett sort of things.

Meet Moochi. He is our new Panda friend. He is Bennett spirit animal. I can't explain this because it will come out sounding odder than it actually is. 

And this is Olli. Olli the Fox. A fox is Maxton's spirit animal.

tastes gooood.

Bennett doing Bennett sort of things. 


I took Bennett upstairs for a nap. I came down to Aaron shushing me so I didn't wake the sleeping beast who had fallen asleep during his lunch. What can I say? They play hard.

Moochi love.

Dreaming of the outdoors. 


'Mama, can you take me to the round and round water slide? Cuz that would be so FREAKING AWESOME!' How can you say no to that?

I really just want your camera.


Bennett, always so coy.

Is this right?

Thursday, April 26, 2012

One year later, open letters to my loves.

I almost feel like these letters deserve a prelude, so here mine is.
I feel like I owe everything that I am to Hendrix. You see, as a teenager, you think you have everything figured out. I was in love with my boyfriend, and as soon as we got out of highschool we were going to get married. I was 18 and crazy in love with Aaron when we wed. We're still very much in love, happily married and have what I believe to be a-once-in-a-lifetime love.
We were only a few months married, and still incredibly young, when I found out I was pregnant with Hendrix. There is a song by Ben Folds with a verse that the second I heard it I thought of him .
'Where was I before the day that I first saw your lovely face? Now I see it everyday, and I know that I am the luckiest.'
The second I saw him, felt him in my arms, everything I had ever known had changed. This is what love is. The love that is untouchable, truly unconditional, immortal. That night I never put him down. Or the next day. Or the next. I didn't what to. I had carried him in my stomach for 9 months and wasn't ready to part with him.  He'd be held for a few minutes at a time by other people. I mean I guess I had to share ;) But at night he would lay on my chest, all to myself. I stayed up all night, both nights I was in the hospital, just holding him and staring at him. I couldn't believe he was here, so beautiful, so perfect. After he was born, our life really began. He taught me patience and complete selflessness in one short cry. Motherhood can truly change a person, and I am no exception.
It was two years later that Aaron and I decided we wanted another. We really struggled with the idea because we felt so happy with our Hendrix. We felt so complete. I remember telling Aaron several times, 'How could I ever love someone else as much as I love him? It's impossible.' But we never wanted Hendrix to be an only child. Aaron always wanted him to have a brother. I, at the time, wanted him to have a sister.
I found out I was excepting early September of 2010, and ten short weeks later, we found out there was two! That December we found out that Hendrix would be getting not one, but two little brothers.
I was crushed. I didn't get a little girl. My heart was broken. I know, how selfish. Two incredibly healthy babies, and I was sad.
I know now what I didn't know then, they were never supposed to be girls. Either one of them. They were always supposed to be boys. And now that they are here, I would never have it any other way. They are my boys, and they have stolen my heart for forever. I wouldn't have my sons any other way.

I am so lucky to be the mother of these three incredible boys.

To Maxton,
The hardest, most heartbreaking week of my life was the first week you were born. You were the first brother to be born, my 'Baby A'. I felt so helpless strapped to the table during the surgery. I couldn't see anything but the bright light shining in my eyes above me. Your father was whencing watching. I heard a small cry and asked, 'what's he look like? Does he look like Hendrix?' 'No, not at all.' I heard them pat on your back, and asked several times if you were okay. You had taken a breath too early, inhaling fluid into your lungs. You were struggling to breath. They unstrapped my arm for a few short moments so I could wrap it around you before you were rushed off to the NICU is Wesley. The doctor says it was then, only in my arms, that you managed to breath decently. You have a tough first few days, away from your mother, under a heating lamp with a ventilator pushing air in and out of your body. I couldn't go with you, because I lost too much blood and was having a hard time recovering from my surgery, but your father was by your side every second he could be. In retrospect, I'm glad it was your dad, and not me that was there for you, because as your mother it broke my heart to see you like that and your father was stronger. He had to be, for you.
After you were strong enough to leave the NICU, but before you got to come home, you went to a smaller, private room where they could monitor your breathing. Aaron got to stay the night with you for the first time, unless you count him falling asleep by your side in the early morning while you were in the NICU. Bennett and I stayed at the Ronald McDonald house over night, but were in the room with you all day. You had just fallen asleep in my arms after a feeding, so Aaron and I thought we'd slip out for 30 minutes to grab a bite to eat. When we returned, as we were walking in the hall, still quite a ways from your room, we heard a cry. As you had been hooked up to tubes until then, we had never really heard you cry. For some reason, even from far away and never hearing it before, I knew that was my son crying. I knew instantly. We picked up speed to make it to the room as fast as we could so I could comfort my baby. We swung the door open to find that you were just getting weighed by the nurse, and quite frankly, didn't want to.
As we stood there, waiting for the nurse to finish, and listening to your scream, I turned to your father and he said, 'He's just showing off his lungs. He's our little champion!' and gave me grin. I smiled back and said, 'Let's hope. I mean WOW! What a cry!' I'm not exaggrating. Maxton, you didn't cry, you screamed. I mean an ear-piercing, high pitch scream. Like no cry I'd ever heard. What spunk you had. Aaron and I agreed, you were gunna be our wild one. We were sooo right.
When we finally brought you home, I figured we'd get into a routine so naturally. I was wrong. I had a hard time with twins. And you, my sweet Max, were the hardest to figure out. You didn't want to nurse, you didn't prefer to cuddle. You were much more independent than my other two boys. The doctor told us we should except that, as you learned independence early on from the NICU, but as your mother that was very hard to except.
Maxton, even as an infant, you've always been a bit different. You have a temper, and at 10 months you could throw a better tantrum than a 2 year old. But you are so much fun. You laugh with your whole heart. You have the greatest smile I'll ever know, with big dimples and a mouth full of teeth. You are silly, and brilliant. You have more personality and spirit in that 23 pound little body of yours than most adults I know.
If Hendrix and Bennett have the heart, you Max, have the soul. I have so much to learn from you, never slow down.
We are so proud of that fire inside you, you are our little champion. I love you more than you'll ever know.

To Bennett,
I feel like I've known you my whole life. If I had ever thought I couldn't love a child as much as my first, you prove me wrong the second I held you. There was so much about you that reminded me of your older brother, it was so easy to get to know you.
After you boys were born, your father walked in the room and said, 'They're taking Maxton to Wesley.' Wait a minute? Which one's Max? You named them already? I had already had a hunch (and I was right!), but Aaron said he knew which one was Max and which one was Bennett as soon as he saw them. He was no doubt correct, you were my Bennett Mathias.
You were such a cuddle bean. You'd curl up in a ball on my chest and sleep so peacefully. At 2, Hendrix was old enough that I had forgotten how sweet it was to hold a new born baby. Not just any baby, my baby. I loved the way you smelled, your dark curly hair, your soft skin. You were perfect, more than perfect.
I had a hard time in the hospital. One of my babies was in the NICU, your father was away with him, and Hendrix had to stay at your aunt's. I felt lonely and heartbroken, but you saved me. You never cried, just slept in the warmth of my arms only stirring to eat.
As a twin, you had a hard time sharing. You were always the momma's boy. You'd push Maxton off my legs if he ever requested my attention. You were always the chill one, so relaxed, but always wanting to be on my hip. I referred to you as my 'gerber' baby. If you picture a baby in your head, you'd picture you. You had such a sweet baby face with an innocent little smile, and a sweet baby personality to match.
Your dad would always call you a blanket. You were so warm and turned into putty when you'd sleep on our chests, your dad would always fall asleep as well, sometimes before you were actually asleep.
My 'chill' little baby eventually hit a run of mischievous. You constantly got into everything, opening doors and cabinets. You would actually sit and watch what we were doing so you could figure out how to get into it. Oh and the things you would climb! Everything! It started with the stairs, then your brothers slide, then ladders, then chairs and tables. You got so ornery so fast. You are always on some sort of an adventure, always trying to figure things out. Always with a smile on your face. You were always infatuated with your older brother as well, wanting to know what he was up to. He could always make you laugh. You were so easy to get laughs out of, such a happy baby. You have the biggest belly laugh, your whole body shakes when you giggle. Ben, you light up the room when you enter. You have the most precious demeanor. I love waking up to your smiling face every morning, we are so lucky to have you.
Bennett, you've got to be the most inquisitive, sweetest baby I'll ever know. You have the happiest eyes, the happiest heart. You were the missing piece to our puzzle. You fit so perfectly into our lives. I can't wait to see this curious little boy grow into a curious man. You are meant to do great things. I love you with my whole heart, no one could ever replace you, my Bennett Mathias.

Friday, March 23, 2012

About Twins....er, Brothers

So I suppose most of you know me enough. But some of you don't. Either way I plan on blabbing about some thoughts of mine anyways.
About my 'twins'. If you've noticed, I hardly ever refer to them as my twins. I usually call them my babies, little brothers, something of that sort. Or by their names, ya know.  This is mainly because, well, I don't want them to be know as 'the twins'. Yeah I know....they are. I just don't like the idea of them constantly being grouped together for the rest of their lives. I'm crazy, right? Well not really. If they get in the habit of being called the twins, they will always be called 'the twins'.
Before the babies were born, I thought I'd dress them a like all the time, but after they were born I felt completely different about it. First of all I don't think we could have afforded it. I am seriously, double the formula and diapers totally kicked our butts at first. But, mostly it was because we didn't feel like we should. Aaron and I completely see eye to eye about our children. We understand them in a way that no one else could (well, duh!) And most of the time we'd pick up an outfit we loved and we'd look at each other and say 'That is totally Maxton!' and other outfits 'That would just look so weird on Max, that is such a Bennett shirt!' Ok, yes she is completely crazy. But I'm not. Maybe it goes back to the whole, not wanting them to be grouped together complex that I have. These boys may have shared a womb at the same time, but to us they are less like 'twins' and more like brothers who share a birthday. If you see my boys together, the younger ones don't act like they're more bonded to each other than the are to Hendrix. They all just act like brothers! The all giggle together, fight occasionally, share everything, hug, kiss, slap....anything. It is extremely clear to me that these boys already have an amazing bond and friendship, but they share that with their older brother as well.
Lastly, about my 'twins'. Aaron and I and my mother (who is around enough) all agree, I don't know what I would have done if I had gotten two Bennetts, and I don't know what I would have done if I had gotten two Maxtons. These boys personalities are so hugely different, and they play off each other perfectly. Maxton has a temper, he is quick to scream bloody murder and will let you know how mad he is at you. He goes from hot to cold very quickly. Bennett is much chiller, he doesn't often cry unless he gets hurt or he's tired (or someone else is holding him other than his mother.) but even then it is more of a fuss. BUT, Bennett needs to be cuddled and held more than Max. He always wants to be on somebodies my hip, and in general demands more attention.
It is pretty cool to see these babies grow up together. I really had a hard time in the beginning because it's hard not to compare the two when you see two children of the exact same age growing up together. Why doesn't Maxton seem as attached to me as Bennett is? Why isn't Bennett walking yet? Things of that sort. I still have to remind myself occasionally via the wise words of both my mother and my doctor. They are two different babies. Two completely different babies. If they were born at different times, years apart, you would never questions their differences.

 Becoming a parent of three has really changed my perspective on things. As if simply becoming a parent doesn't do that in itself, raising more than one child at a time puts you in a whole different ball game. Am I being fair? Do they each get equal attention? If Maxton doesn't want to cuddle with me, how do I show him affection? Will Bennett hate me if I let him cry so I can tend to Hendrix? But I think in the end it comes down to this. Each child will be responded to accordingly to their personalities and their needs. Each child is different and you should never expect them to react to things the same and/or need the same things. I am crazy in love with all of my boys, I wouldn't have them any other way, and I think somehow, even as wee little men, they know this. I suppose really, I'm still trying to figure this all out, and I doubt I'll ever really get into a perfect rhythm, but I'll never stop trying.

Anyways....a few thoughts of mine.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

The best conversations happen in the middle of th night.

Parents of 3 year olds know that kids of that age have the best imagination. It's the best because it's completely unaffected by the realism in the world. It's pure and innocent which leaves it free for all creativity. Hendrix reminds me this often, and most of the time having conversations with him brings me right back into my childhood and I am hit with an overwhelming sense of nostalgia. There is no question that he is my son. Maybe he looks more the Aaron, but even Aaron will tell you that he has a personality more like mine.
I'm writing this down more for my benefit, because I don't think the humor will transfer as much as I wish it would. Hendrix had Aaron and I laughing so hard. We had been awake watching a movie, when Hendrix wakes up roughly around midnight to use the bathroom. He wants us to go to bed with him (all you have to do is ask, Hendrix. I will never deny your cuddles.) <-Guys I'm only half way kidding about this.  So we march up stairs and are laying in bed when Aaron and I try to have a conversation. Aaron mentions something about a paper he was looking for. Paper is the trigger word in which Hendrix immediately butts in.
'Hey guys, listen to me.' *waits for silence* 'Did you know there is paper you can eat?' Hendrix, I think you are confusing what your brothers put in their mouth as to what is actually edible.
'Oh ya?'- My actually response.
'Yeah! There are two types of paper in this land. The regular kind, and the kind you can eat.' In this land... do you mean in the world? 
Aaron and I are laughing our butts off at this point.
'Don't laugh! I'm serious!'
'Really? What does it tastes like?'
'There are lots of flavors. Strawberry, banana, blueberry, apple, and pine cone.' Pine cone? What the what?
Aaron and I laughing harder.
'Stop laughing!....GO TO BED!'- Hendrix upset we weren't on the same wave length. 

March fun

We've been busy. Surprised? I know, you get it, having three kids makes a person busy. Aaron and I have been on stress overload lately because on a whim I decided I wanted to redo our dining room, thinking it would be a small project. Well it wasn't. We are done with the walls, but are waiting to get a built in corner bench for our table. When the whole room is complete I'll take pictures and blog what we've done. I'm not going to lie, I LOVE interior design. It's a huge hobby of mine. 
This amazing weather has made our boys restless. Lately I've been leaving the backdoor open with the baby gate on it. The babies love to look outdoors, especially when their big brother is playing on the back deck. So what have we been doing with them? Well other than going to the park every other day, just simply playing outdoors. It's clear that I have three very outside boys. Bare with me, this blog is picture overload, but I have a ton of goodies! I should also mention the pics are a bit out of order, but I'm scrabbling to write this post between babies pulling at my arm and a three year old that's just dying to play super heroes with me.

So I bought these waffles blocks second hand for $30. I got a HUGE lot, it was a super steal because 1. these things aren't cheap 2. Little Tikes toys last forever! I bought them with intention to give to the babies as a 1st bday present, but I just couldn't resist and had to let them play with them early. They won't know the difference, right? I might have a small obsessions with great toys. I mean great toys, the ones that kids of all ages play with, grow with, and learn from. The ones that last forever to me, are worth the extra bucks. I was right, all the boys love them.

Are they really this big? Maxton has taken several steps, but doesn't walk everywhere yet.

Maxton, so proud of his silliness! Max is like no baby I've ever seen. He is such a wild little man with such a strong personality. When he's mad, he's MAD, but he plays harder than he fights. He's always being silly and smiling. He's much more independent than my other boys, he doesn't want help with a lot of things, but he's also very friendly.

My little super hero! Never slows down. Btw, maybe my blog should be called boys who don't wear pants. Yes, my boys are often naked. Curiously enough because they have tons of super cute clothes. 

So many people to rescue, so little time. The babies absolutely love to watch Hendrix run and play. They think he is simply amazing. 

"Mom, look I'm flying!!"

My mom had more waffle blocks I stole from her house. Yes, these are the same ones I played with when I was a kid. We took them home a gave them a good wash as they had been stored in an old box for years. The boys thought it was the most fun they could ever have.

Yeah, they're naked. Can you imagine wearing a cotton diaper all day every day? They need to air out every once in a while.

This is the best day ever!!!!!

Hendrix actually stripped butt naked later as well when he saw that his brothers could do it. We really need a big privacy fence :/

Bennett has to crawl into everything!

He has such a sweet baby face.

Ben absolutely loves to swing. Especially with his mom. 

He sits up on my lap and holds on, giggling the whole time. It is so stinking sweet.

Then he'll bury his head on my chest and 'plank' me while we swing. A grin on his face the entire time.

Looks fun?

Bath time!

I was doing dishes and both the babies were quiet (which usually means no good). Well, I was right, they found a banana I had been feeding them and stupidly abandoned within their reach.

Umm, banana peel!

So proud of himself.

Hendrix set the standard,  I am an absolute sucker for baby curls

So, it's pretty clear that Maxton will walk first, but Bennett is a professional at climbing, 'our little billy goat.' He climbs up Hendrix's slide with ease, and now Maxton has figured it out as well.

This is a Krier face for sure

He gets to the top, and let's himself fall down so he can climb up again.

I try to block the slide with little effect.

Maxton's chest is coated in drool. He is seriously the drool king.

Hendrix making his own lunch.

I LOVE when I find them all playing quietly together.


Bennett is pleased with the cookie I gave him.

Maxton thinks it's lame and just wants to go to sleep.

But it's so delicious!


Too cool


Getting ready to play at the park!


A preview of what we've been up to. I didn't take a before picture, but here is a pic during the process. This is after the wallpaper is down, the first layer of mud on the wall, and beginning the wainscoting.

Walls completed!

The best carpenter in the business!