Saturday, November 26, 2011

Is it Christmas Yet?!

Jeez, November is over already? Are my babies really 7 months old? I haven't blogged in a month. I have a really hard time keeping up with it. Can you blame me chasing three boys around? Really though, most of my 'free' time is spent catching up on house work or working on projects. I currently have 1272 pictures on my camera. That's how far behind I am. Ok, maybe I take too many pictures. I also haven't deleted any in a loooong time.
What have the boys been up to since the last time I've blogged? Well, Hendrix is doing great in school. He is growing up so fast. I mean they all are. Hendrix caught me off guard the other day when he asked me about death. First of all....where did that come from?! And secondly, I never excepted to have this discussion with him as a THREE YEAR OLD! I mean really, I thought all the questions of life would happen when he was a bit older. He asked me if I was going to get old and die. I told him yes, but not for a very very long time. He got upset, which made me upset. I mean the concept of life and death is really scary, especially for a child. I did my best to comfort him and explain the best way I knew how. Then my clever guy told me to look in the mirror, because I don't look old, and then explained to me that I just needed to take medicine, and then I wouldn't get old and die :) This happened a few days ago, and he hasn't brought it up since, so I hope I eased his mind.
Back to a happy topic. Since school started, Hendrix has been starting to write his name. Well, he's very good at writing 'H', and has trouble with the rest of it, but I am impressed with just an 'H' nonetheless. He also caught me off guard the other day, when he brought me a picture he drew. It was the first recognizable thing he had drawn. I am used to just scribbles. Well, I say scribbles, but if you were to ask Hendrix, it was a tornado, or slide, or swimming pool. But this was a PERSON! I was so proud, it almost brought tears to my eyes. Aaron thinks I'm a bit ridiculous (but loves it about me :), of how emotional I can get (ok it is a bit ridiculous), but that's my baby. One day you're changing their diapers, then they're asking you about death and drawing family portraits.
Our family portrait by Hendrix Nelson. He asked for a little help to draw smaller circles for the babies, but other than that this is all him. I will cherish this forever.

My sweet blonde boy. Playing in the water.

The infamous purple butt. If he wasn't so cute, he'd be in trouble.

Yes, he is very proud of himself. I can understand why he painted himself. What I don't understand is why he was naked in the first place? I guess this is what you get when you leave a 3 year old in the other room to paint while you're trying to get dishes done.

So a funny fact about Hendrix. Whenever I feed the babies baby food, I have to make enough for Hendrix, too. I mean he loves the stuff. Even green beans and the sort.

Playing with his favorite brothers. 

Maxton has a tooth! He's had it for, jeez, I guess almost a month. The bottom front right tooth. The one right next to it is very swollen at the gums and acts like it will poke out any day, but hasn't yet. He is also crawling! Yes, now I have two crawlers. Max isn't as fast as Bennett, but Ben has been mobile for quite a while now. They are both army crawlers, but are on the hands and knees as well. Ben is getting really good at sitting. I mean really good. He crawls around and pushes himself to the sitting position. He'll sit there for awhile and play with a toy, decide to head off somewhere else, or topple over. Since the boys have become so mobile, there tends to be more fighting over toys. Bennett will want to see what Max has or vis-versa. Sometimes I can't tell if they will be best friends or worst enemies :) Baby gates have gone up, I can't keep Bennett out of the kitchen, and he also has been very interested in heading up the stairs. Luckily, he hasn't figured them out yet, but I am always watching because I know that's on his mind. I say they fight all the time, but they also play very well together. Bennett will crawl on top of Maxton, and it usually makes Maxton giggle. It is so sweet, I will get a video I promise. Sometimes when Max is in the jumper, Bennett will crawl over and play with his feet, that also makes him laugh :) Aaron and I swear they comfort each other when they cry. Several times now we've seen Bennett crawl to Max when he was crying him and kind of pat him and lay his head on his chest. I promise to get a video of this as well. Hendrix is still the best big brother in the world. He is crazy about his babies, and tells me he misses them if we ever go anywhere just him and I. He always wants to entertain them and give them kisses. Seriously, these three boys are the best thing that has ever happened to Aaron and I.
Bennett coming to find mommy and Hendrix in his tent.

He is a very happy baby.

Maxton giving me silly smiles!

This picture reminds me of Hendrix as a baby

Bald and beautiful :)

My view from the couch. 

They were both crawled over to the couch so I would pick them up.

After Bennett grabbed his face. He was fine a second later, and trust me, he gets Bennett, too. See the scratch on Ben's face? That's from our cat who he refuses to leave alone.

Bennett crawling on his brother again. He does it to just about anyone laying on the floor. He'll crawl on top of me and Hendrix all the time, but usually, it's Max. 

As hard as twins are sometimes, I wouldn't miss this for the world. 

Ben showing off his new skill. He crawled over to the dirt pile I had just swept and took a seat. And the good mother that I am instead of picking him up, I took a picture.

The sweetest thing I'll ever know.

When did these guys get so big? Don't let this picture fool you, Max is not a chubby baby.

We had a very good Thanksgiving. Wednesday night we had some great friends over for a non-traditional Thanksgiving feast that consisted of pumpkin pancakes, hashbrowns, eggs, and some other yummy things. We definitely need to do it again, because my friends are awesome. Hendrix loves when we have people over. He loves to show off all his things. The other day everyone had to see his Christmas tree and stockings, and his bedroom. He thinks his 'dudes' (our guys friends) are the coolest people ever. Later that night, Aaron stayed home with the sleeping babies while I went out with some friends. He is such an awesome dad and an amazing husband. I know I say that all the time, but he really is. We went to Effingham, Ks (yes, there really is a town called Effingham) to visit family on my dad's side on Thanksgiving. We hadn't see them in probably at least a year, so they finally got to meet our babies. It was nice to see everyone, the family is growing so fast! There was at least 5 children there under 1 year. So many sweet beautiful babies.
We put our tree up a few days before Thanksgiving and are now patiently waiting one of my favorite holidays. Seriously can't wait, we have most of Hendrix's presents and I can't WAIT for him to open them!

Someone remind me not to wait so long between blogs. It took me forever to sort through photos and decide what to blog about and what not to....

Hendrix's Room To

Finally posting a tour of Henri's completed bedroom. I love how it turned out, and so does he. 
A view of the room right when you walk in. We eventually what to make this hardwood, to match the rest of the house. Until then, we bought a shag rug to cover the hideous carpet. It's such a warm, fuzzy rug. The babies love to play on it.
Shelves to organize toys, and a few of our favorite things. These bins are perfect for a kid Henri's age. He does great when it comes time to pick up his toys. 

A favorite outfit of mine.

A super easy DIY chalkboard made from an old poster I wasn't using and chalkboard paint. He uses it almost daily practicing writing his name, and making rainbows and other things, so I'm really glad I decided to make it. Perfect use of space for the little corner.

Art from This was my inspiration for the whole room. 

A view of Hendrix's bed. I got the bed from Ebay for $50. Best 50 bucks I've ever spent, it has been SUCH a hit. The bed actually came with a tent for the bottom, but it was much bigger and took up the whole room...and it was camouflage. Soooo not my taste.

His cozy little bed. I painted acorns I picked up at Hobby Lobby to hang on the wall. The pennants I cut using left over scrapbook paper from the reading area. Also super easy.

More art from Three little owls, perfect for my three little boys.

A view of the reading area.

Art and book slings made by me. The picture is made from paper and paint. I decoupaged paper onto a canvas and used a little paint when it dried. 

My scrapbook wall. I had half joked with my sister about how I wish I could just paste scrapbook paper to my wall because I loved it so much. I went home and googled it to see if anyone had ever tried it. I found one picture, but the woman had cover an entire wall. That was a little much. AND I couldn't find what kind of plaster she used. So, by trial an error, and advice from my mom, we used wallpaper paste. I actually got Aaron to help me with this project. It was my birthday so I kind of guilted him into it :) Anyways, I am sooo happy how it turned out! It could have been a disaster.

'READ' letters from Hobby Lobby, spray painted red. Darth Vader ceramic done by my mom when Matt was a boy. 

A sweet picture of Hendrix and another painted acorn.

Vintage dinosaur, also from Matt's childhood. Pillow I picked up at Walmart, as well as the storage ottoman. It has two very large compartments that fit his legos perfectly and a few other toys and the other side. 

So I might have an obsession with Christmas lights, but I love the warm cozy glow they add for a perfect little nook under his bed. 

Another view of his cozy bedroom.

And another

A late afternoon nap.