Thursday, February 23, 2012

Not quite snow, but good enough

We've had a pretty easy winter, clearly. Trust me I'm not complaining. My husband however is a little disappointed having bought a brand new sled and really wanting to try it out. There's still time right? Winter's not over yet. Sometimes Kansas weather drives me crazy, but I love a good rain storm and/or hail in this case, and Hendrix does, too. I really wish my house had a great big porch for us to snuggle up under and watch the storms, but we'll just be sure to put that on our checklist for the next house we buy. Until then we'll do with a chair by an open window. Not quite the same, but we still catch the sweet smell of the rain, and if we're lucky enough we might even get a mist brushing against our cheek brought in by a cool breeze. So Tuesday, after the hailstorm Hendrix and I went collecting ice 'to show our babies' per his request.  

Using our new Easter bucket as the ice collector.

A gust of cool air giving him the chills.

Telling me something important, I'm sure of it.

Too sweet to not photograph

Our back porch got a lot!

It's funny, he only picked out some, studying them, as though he was checking for a certain size and shape

Heading back indoors

He has to ring the doorbell, every time.

great hail hunting, Hendrix!

Friday, February 17, 2012

What we did for Valentines Day and Other Things that Boys do.

So I haven't always been huge into Valentine's Day. I'd have to agree that it seems to be a made up Holiday with no real merit behind it, but I'll use any excuse to make my husband take me out. Also, I've found that any holiday is much more fun when you have kids. Aaron took me on a date Saturday where we did a bit of shopping and then had dinner at Carrabba's. That's usually our go to restaurant. (By the way, their Moscato is a-mazing!) I did a small craft for Henri to take to class that I would love to take credit for, but really I got the idea from Pinterest, and my mom did all the work using her computer scrapbook abilities. When it comes to photoshop, I'm pretty lost. Lucky for me though, my moms a genius!

A hotwheel car in a small bag. My mom designed the tabs and we printed it off on card stock, folded it over and stapled. Simple and super cute!

What I woke up to Valentines Day morning. I was hoping for an Iphone and some Heart-shaped pancakes. I'm a sucker for breakfast foods. But this is what I got, a few of my favorite things. Diet Soda, my favorite candy, a pink rose, and socks without holes. Yeah, my hubs is super cheesy, but he knows me too well. And I love cheesy. 

Hendrix playing on his indoor swing. I talked Aaron into putting this up. It's an outdoor swing that we hung on our door jam to the sunroom. We took down the trim and screwed in a 2x4 into the studs. It has been so much fun! 

Blurry pic, but it's kinda hard to catch one when he's swinging all the time.

Ben waiting for dad to come home.

I've mentioned this before I'm sure, but doing daily chores has been near impossible at this point in my life. Dishes and laundry get done when the babes go to bed, and often that's when I prepare meals for the next day as well. When I do attempt a chore while Aaron is at work, this is what happens. I do my best to distract the boys while I work, but usually it only works for a few minutes at a time. Hendrix is doing his best to distract them as well.

Aaron taking me on our date. Thanks for the good pic, babe ;)

Hendrix ready to take his goodies to school. Best dressed boys.

Playing with Maxton. I loooove the teeth on this kid!!

So flippin sweet!

Ben absolutely loves bath time! He has a seat but can climb out of it so it's safer if we just don't use it and just keep a close watch on him. He is not afraid of water!


going on winter walks

showing me how he uses his fingers to count

Aaron and some of his boys

Hendrix Warren

No, this picture is not upside down. We were tipping the stroller which he thought was hilarious. 

My babies

I love how Bennett is trying to steal Max's hat.

wild boy 

I didn't realize I had it zoomed in this close, but I love Aaron's wrinkles around his eyes so I had to share this pic anyways. Seriously, I love them. 

Fiiiinally, a decent pic!

Aaron's beard has red in it, it really shows up in the sunlight.

Bennett is styling

Battle wounds from playing outside. My babies always look so beat up. This sore is from scrapping his head on the sidewalk. It wasn't a big fall, just bumped his head as he was crawling.

More teeth pictures on Max! He now has 5, Ben still has 0.

Wearing Henri's hat.

And we have this futon...

In the corner of our living room, we have a rather uncomfortably stiff chair. We bought it because it turns into a rather uncomfortably stiff bed that we thought might come in handy. And it has. Rather though, not as a bed, but as a small gateway to Narnia. Hendrix frequently asks Aaron or I to create his fort, and more often than not his baby brothers are more enthralled than he is. This cheaply made futon has become Aaron and I's ticket to a few moments at a time without a child nagging at our feet. It seems that at even 9 months old the way to engage a boy is through forts and adventures.  

Hendrix, dreaming of summer days, and Bennett stopping to read a book.

Henri reading to his brothers.

Bennett is worn out

Hendrix tries to save the fort as it comes under attack by gigantic monster babies.

Hendrix and Max having a moment

Right after I set up the fort, all the boys hurry over. It's hard to tell, but there is a huge smile on each one of their faces.

Bennett takes a break from his castle to contemplate the furry dragon.